About Us
Some people say the true measure of the people you do business with is what happens when something doesn’t go according to plan. At Rob-See-Co, we stand behind the seed we sell and the recommendations we make.
Our Mission
We lead with a focus on simplicity.
The seed industry has become complex. Rob-See-Co strives to be transparent in how we do business, from pricing to programs to answering grower needs.
We are committed to providing expert advice on the right product for each field with a straightforward approach in our business practices. Ultimately, Rob-See-Co is built on integrity and trusted relationships!
Rob-See-Co is committed to providing the best options for your farm. We provide genetic diversity and industry leading traits. Our Product Evaluation focus means products are evaluated thoroughly before they make it to our portfolio.

“Rob-See-Co may be a young company, but
it’s a strong company with a good history”
They’ve made it easy to do business with them with simple and straightforward programs, pricing and ordering. I also like the fact that from the top down in this company these guys are not just sitting behind a desk every day. They are hands on and right there turning the dirt with us and kicking clods, going through our fields to see how they are doing and how else they can help us.” — Jamie Watts, Fairfield, NE
Leadership Team
Rob Robinson
Chief Executive Officer
Calvin Treat
General Manager
Ryan Halls
Chief Financial Officer
Jim Robinson
Chief Technology Officer
Aaron Sinclair
Chief Operations Officer
Jeff Dilbeck
AgVisors Director
Brian Davis
National Sales Manager
Scott Robinson
Chief Information Officer

Now Choosing Your Financing
Is As Easy As Getting the Seed
You Need !
At Rob-See-Co, we are true believers in doing all we can to simplify the seed industry. That means providing you with transparent pricing that lets you know what you’ll pay for every bag – without having to decipher offers and promotions, and without having to devise new ways of gaming the system to get the terms you need.
Like the seed we sell, the financing we offer is designed to be responsive to your specific needs, to minimize your costs and enable you to manage your business operations the way you need to.
Contact Us
In agriculture, generational roots typically run deep. This isn’t only your livelihood – it’s your story – and having a relationship with a local seed rep you can trust is paramount. The Rob-See-Co story is one built on the foundation of local, long-term, trusted relationships.
We believe there is still value in long-lasting relationships.
We hope you do as well.