Agrisure Duracade Import Approval Gives Rob-See-Co Seed Customers Greater Options
(OMAHA, Neb) China’s grain import approval on July 17, 2017 of the Agrisure Duracade® corn rootworm trait will open many more grain marketing options to U.S. corn producers. Hybrids with the Agrisure Duracade trait are available through Rob-See-Co, an independent seed company located in Waterloo, NE.
(OMAHA, Neb) China’s grain import approval on July 17, 2017 of the Agrisure Duracade® corn rootworm trait will open many more grain marketing options to U.S. corn producers. Hybrids with the Agrisure Duracade trait are available through Rob-See-Co, an independent seed company located in Waterloo, NE.
Agrisure Trait Stack for Above-Ground Corn Insect Control Approved by EPA
On September 12, 2016 the Agrisure® 3120 E-Z Refuge trait package received approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Agrisure 3120 E-Z Refuge, which offers above-ground insect control, includes two modes of action against corn borer and activity against several ear-feeding insects. It also provides the convenience of a 5% integrated refuge product.
On September 12, 2016 the Agrisure® 3120 E-Z Refuge trait package received approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Agrisure 3120 E-Z Refuge, which offers above-ground insect control, includes two modes of action against corn borer and activity against several ear-feeding insects. It also provides the convenience of a 5% integrated refuge product.
Rob-See-Co Introduces New, Expanded Soybean Line-up
Soybean line-up includes new genetics and LibertyLink® platform
Rob-See-Co, one of the fastest growing seed companies in the industry, announces the introduction of a new leading edge soybean line-up for the 2017 growing season. According to Rob Robinson, CEO of Rob-See-Co “Because we are an independent regional company, we were able to work with all of the leading trait and genetic providers to put together this exciting new line-up of soybeans. With this line up, we are bringing our customers more choices and options, that will address the specific challenges they face in each of their growing areas, like nonselective weed control.”
Soybean line-up includes new genetics and LibertyLink® platform
Rob-See-Co, one of the fastest growing seed companies in the industry, announces the introduction of a new leading edge soybean line-up for the 2017 growing season. According to Rob Robinson, CEO of Rob-See-Co “Because we are an independent regional company, we were able to work with all of the leading trait and genetic providers to put together this exciting new line-up of soybeans. With this line up, we are bringing our customers more choices and options, that will address the specific challenges they face in each of their growing areas, like nonselective weed control.”
New Ro-See0Co Agronomy Lead Brings Experience in Research and Education
ELKHORN, Neb. (May19, 2014) — Agronomy Lead Wayne Fithian is the newest member of the Rob-See-Co team. Fithian brings more than 30 years of experience in the seed business to his role with the independent seed company. Fithian has conducted research into corn and soybean genetics and their management in the field, and he’s also developed education programs to help seed providers and growers understand how advances in genetics translate to better yields.
ELKHORN, Neb. (May19, 2014) — Agronomy Lead Wayne Fithian is the newest member of the Rob-See-Co team. Fithian brings more than 30 years of experience in the seed business to his role with the independent seed company. Fithian has conducted research into corn and soybean genetics and their management in the field, and he’s also developed education programs to help seed providers and growers understand how advances in genetics translate to better yields.
Welcome to Rob-See-Co
(OMAHA, Neb) On October 1, 2013 the “re-launch” of the Rob-See-Co brand became official. Most people will remember the Rob-See-Co brad from its earlier days of the J.C. Robinson Seed Company and the Golden Harvest brand.
(OMAHA, Neb) On October 1, 2013 the “re-launch” of the Rob-See-Co brand became official. Most people will remember the Rob-See-Co brad from its earlier days of the J.C. Robinson Seed Company and the Golden Harvest brand.